
What We Believe
At Good Shepherd, we believe that each and every person is a beloved child of God. Whoever you are and whatever your life journey has been, one thing is certain – God loves you. We respond to this amazing, indescribable love that God has for us by loving God and loving other people. Our basic theology can be summed up in the belief statement, "Because God loves us, therefore we love one another."
As Lutherans, we believe in the Triune God, or God in three persons – God, the creator; God, the Son and Savior Jesus; God, the Holy Spirit. We believe that God has created us and all of creation. God became human in Jesus of Nazareth and God in Jesus died on the cross so that we could fully experience God's love and saving grace. God as the Holy Spirit continues to be present among us, offering guidance and support along life's journey.
At Good Shepherd, we practice an open table where all are welcome to receive the bread of life and cup of salvation!
Visit the ELCA website at www.elca.org to learn more about Lutherans!