Good Shepherd supports faith formation of adults and families with, Lenten Studies, a Bible study group, a book study group, fellowship events and small group ministries.
At GSLC, stewardship is a way of life. The ministry team serves to explore the many ways we can be stewards for God as individuals and as the church through our offerings of time, talent, and treasure.
These ministries work to care for the community gathered here at GSLC and the community at large!
Come volunteer in one of the many service projects Good Shepherd provides to our surrounding communities!​
GSLC also gives financial gifts to many different organizations in our surrounding community - this is built into our annual spending plan and is an intentional choice as we celebrate being part of the Somerset County community.

Children, Youth and Family Ministry
There are so many ways for you and your children to get involved at GSLC! From Christian Education to Confirmation to youth group and more, supporting our children and youth in their faith formation is of utmost importance to us.
Worship is central to how we gather together as a community of faith. Worship helps us to focus on God, learn about our faith, and be strengthened to serve God and others.
At GSLC, we see the property as one of our most valuable ministries. We strive to maintain the building and grounds so that many groups, including AA, ESL, Scouts, and our Daycare and Preschool have somewhere to gather!
The Evangelism team at Good Shepherd seeks to find ways to share the Good News of Jesus with our community through education, invitation and events geared toward sharing the Gospel with those around us.
As faithful people, we are called to be in community together. Making connections with one another is important to understanding how God is calling us in the world! The Evangelism team also strives to find ways to connect our congregational community.
One of the most popular events of this team is the Annual Living Nativity where we share the Christmas story with our neighbors using a cast and live animals!
Our Ministries
There is always something happening at GSLC! Some of our different ministry teams are listed below - click on the titles to see more details about the many ministries of Good Shepherd.